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22-23 April 2017Közkincs Könyvtár, Budapest

Let's discover our stories

Human beings discover themselves as alive by telling stories, by leaving behind signs proving that they have been, that they have lived.

Storytelling is a basic need. There are many ways to tell a story: we can explore them together; some of them involve to show the story directly. 

This workshop on collective crea(c)tive writing is for the ones who want to discover our own stories… and to watch where they can lead us.


This workshop explores some of the possibilities offered by creative writing, based on the potential of each participant, combined with their will to share it in the group and to create collectively.

Each participant will be able to produce pieces of writing, individually or in collaboration, rediscovering their own stories and, together with the group, how to turn them into creative productions.


We will work on listening, on our own body, in order to find out what it tells about ourselves and what stories it has the intention to tell. 

We will discover together which themes the group wants to explore and then we will go into writing, through a series of games and exercises that will develop and awaken the creativity inside each one of us (and its "translation" into words).


We will use improvisation exercises, active listeningImage Theatre and Theatre of the Oppressed ; we will get naturally to the roots of a direct speech that brings on and develops a story, taking into account all the patterns of a narrative structure.

No previous experience in required, just willingness to explore, together with the group.

Participation Fee

The participation fee is 8.000 HUF
The fee will be paid on spot.

There is a limited number of scholarships to cover 50% of participation fees, specifically intended for Hungarian social workers willing to include this training opportunity in their own human and professional experience. For information please write to us:


Saturday 22nd April:  16.15 - 19.15
Sunday 23rd April: 9.00 - 16.00


The workshop will take place in the Közkincs Könyvtár, in Rákóczi út 11, Budapest.

Contacts & Additional information

For any additional information or question, you can contact Francesco Argenio Benaroio


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Daniela Dellavalle

Actor, director and playwright, she has always been active both in theatre and education.
She graduated in theatre at the Trieste University and she attended a Trieste Theatre Academy, where she studied Commedia dell’Arte (Adriano Iurissevich), Clown (Carlo Rossi) and the role of the Fool in King Lear (Peter Brook’s method, by Mamadou Dioume). She has been writing since she was sixteen, and after two awards in high-school competitions she participated in three editions of the International Directing Prize “Fantasio Piccoli” (Trento). She perfected her playwriting and screenwriting skills with Barbara Sinicco (Paolo Grassi Theatre Academy, Milan), Giovanni Veronesi and Massimiliano Bruno (Italian directors).
Most of her plays tackle social issues and her works are prominently featured in the off-theatre circuit in Rome (recently in Outdoor Festival). She studied Art-Theatre Counseling at European Theatrical Institute (Rome), which led her to meet Theatre of the Oppressed and Jordi Forcadas, with whom she perfected at Forn de Teatre Pa’Tothom (Barcelona) and then with Giolli Cooperativa Sociale(Freire-Boal method, Parma).
In 2014 she won the third place for “Prima della Prima” prize (European Theatrical Institute) with a children’s play about divorce. She is currently working on classical Greek Theatre with a group called 3 D Teatro and in 2016 she has a debut in New York with "A Mother's Heart" a play about death penalty, soon to be performed at the Midtown International Theatre Festival in New York City.

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ANAMUH - Arts for

ANAMUH is a registered not-for-profit social initiative aimed at establishing and sustaining a space for communitarian dialogue through the use of Theatre and Arts.

We believe in Social Theatre techniques and the enormous potential for positive social transformation that they offer: “Forum Theatre”, “Theatre of the Oppressed”, “Theatre for Living”, based on the inclusive participatory pedagogy of Paulo Freire.

ANAMUH focuses on youth empowerment as a means to inter-communitarian dialogue in order to challenge stereotypes/discrimination, to bridge cultures and to bring positive social transformation within communities and in the general collectivity.

ANAMUH envisions a world where diverse communities know, respect and include each other, and where they grow together creating new ideas, tastes and forms of art on the basis of their own identities and cultures.